How to Upcycle Your Grocery Bags ...


A girl only needs so many bathroom trashcan liners and bags for her gym shoes, right? So what else are we supposed to do with those paper and plastic grocery bags? I've scoured the interwebz and found all sorts of ways we can upcycle them into something useful and fun, and here are my favorites. (To see the instructions, just give the images a tap.)

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Grocery Bag Fruit Basket

Grocery Bag Fruit Basket


Grocery Bag Easter Basket

Grocery Bag Easter Basket


Plastic Bag into Yarn = PLARN!

Plastic Bag into Yarn = PLARN!


Plarn, or plastic yarn, is an upcycling craft that is quickly gaining popularity. It is made by cutting up plastic grocery bags into thin strips and then crocheting or knitting them together. Plarn is an environmentally friendly way to reuse plastic bags that would otherwise end up in landfills.

Plarn is surprisingly strong and durable, making it a great choice for a variety of projects. It can be used to make bags, purses, baskets, coasters, and even rugs. Plarn is also lightweight and water-resistant, so it’s perfect for outdoor projects. It’s also a great material for making accessories like hats, scarves, and jewelry.

Making plarn is easy and doesn’t require any special tools or supplies. All you need is a pair of scissors, some plastic grocery bags, and a crochet hook or knitting needles. To make plarn, simply cut the bags into thin strips and then crochet or knit the strips together.


Plarn Tote Bag

Plarn Tote Bag


Paper Bag Pendant Lamp

Paper Bag Pendant Lamp

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Plastic Bags into Bowls!

Plastic Bags into Bowls!


Upcycling your grocery bags is a great way to reduce waste and create something new and unique. By transforming plastic bags into bowls, you can create a stylish and sustainable home decor item. This DIY project is easy to complete and requires few materials.

To get started, you will need several plastic bags, scissors, and a bowl or other round object to use as a template. Begin by cutting the handles off the bags and laying them flat. Then, cut the bags into thin strips and carefully roll each strip into a tight coil. Arrange the coils around the bowl and press them together to form a shape. Secure the coils with tape or glue.

Once the coils are secure, you can paint the bowl in any color you like. You can also customize the bowl with beads, sequins, or other decorations. When the paint has dried, you can remove the bowl template and enjoy your new upcycled bowl.

Upcycling plastic bags into bowls is a great way to reduce waste and create something useful and beautiful. With a few simple materials, you can create a unique home decor item that will last for years.


Laundry Basket

Laundry Basket








Painted Rose Bouquet

Painted Rose Bouquet


Fall Wreath

Fall Wreath


Plastic Bag Flowers

Plastic Bag Flowers


Astronaut Helmet

Astronaut Helmet All that's missing is the potatoes.


Pom Pom Gift Toppers

Pom Pom Gift Toppers


How to Fuse Plastic Bags into "fabric"

How to Fuse Plastic Bags into "fabric"


Plastic Bag Coasters

Plastic Bag Coasters


Plarn Scrubbie

Plarn Scrubbie


Plarn Baskets

Plarn Baskets


Plarn Fine Art

Plarn Fine Art Why not?


Plarn Purse

Plarn Purse I think my gramma has something like this...


Plan Shower Sandals

Plan Shower Sandals Oh goodness, these are ugly, but who cares? They're for wearing in the dorm or camping shower.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

You can google more ideas for using "plain". Its endless!

These ideas are great! I'm a preschool teacher and wanted to teach my students about recycling... They'll love some of these projects!

Very creative...awesome !'


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