Our post on handmade sock toys was popular so we are giving you a list of equally adorable creatures: DIY Puppets! Some of these** DIY puppets** will actually require the use of socks. Others, however, can be made using felt, scrap fabrics, and other materials. These** DIY puppets** have one thing in common, though. They are all stinkin' cute!
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1. Sock Monster
Look at this little cutie! To make a sock puppet monster, you will need colorful socks (the longer and fuzzier, the better), felt, hot glue, cardboard, and pom poms. You will need the pom poms to create the eyes so white ones will be perfect. Of course, red eyes will do, too.
2. Stuffed Animal
This DIY puppet idea will not require you to assemble the toy from square one. In fact, an old stuffed toy is the "canvas" that you need. From the blog: This is a project you can do sitting on your couch, and without fancy-schmancy equipment! Perfect.
3. Chewbacca
Love Star Wars? For those who love all things geek crafting, this DIY puppet is a perfect project to undertake. Just like the first tutorial we have posted here, this one calls for a sock. Check out the link for the complete list of materials and the comprehensive how-to.
4. Washcloth
Sure using socks is a clever way to make puppets but here is an even more genius idea: using washcloths! Not only are these adorable, they will also make bath time more fun. This is sure to be a big hit in a home with little kids.
5. Tiny Bunnies
These DIY puppets will make for fantastic Easter crafts. To make these finger puppets, you will need felt, pom poms, embroidery thread, and a sewing machine. Check out the link to download the bunny template.
6. Old MacDonald's Farm
Feeling ambitious? If you're looking for a way to make a large batch of DIY puppets, this tutorial is for you. Larissa graciously included a pattern for all farm animals. Check out her fantastic tutorial!
7. Simple Felt
For those who are looking for a simple DIY puppet idea, this tutorial by Jeanine is what you need. This one is so simple that even older kids in your family can help you create them. The materials you need to assemble these cute puppets are felt, sewing machine, and tacky glue.
8. Wiggly Eyes
These are unique, as far as puppets go. In fact, when you "perform" using these wiggly eyes, your hand will be part of the show, too.
9. Zebra
How adorable! This craft project is a little bit complicated but it looks truly fun to make. The body of this little cutie is made of felt (in black, white, and other colors for the inner ear and mane). Check out the awesome tutorial below.
10. Finger Animals
These are super cute, too. If you don't have enough materials to make the animal hand puppets mentioned previously, you can go for these felt finger ones. Trust me, they are just as adorable.
So there you have 10 wonderful DIY puppets. I'll try to come up with a list of stick DIY puppets one of these days. I bet they'll be super cute, too.