If you're looking for some easy pre-Christmas crafts, you'll be enchanted by these DIY snow globes. Who doesn't love a snow globe? Such a simple concept can provide a child with joy when they shake it to see the "snow" fall... and for adults it can provide an elegant or fun touch to holiday décor. Let's peruse a selection of DIY snow globes that will make you want to reach for the glitter.
Snapshot Survey
1. Stemware Snow Globes
Source: Stemware Snow Globes | Family ...
This selection of DIY snow globes is going to show you plenty of ideas beyond the screw top jar. Once these are made you can stand candles on them - such fun!
2. Anthropolgie-Inspired
Source: Let It Snow | DIY ...
Who said snow globes aren't elegant?
3. Winter Scene
Source: Poppytalk: Weekend Project: Winter Scene ...
Put in anything you like!
4. DIY Snow Globes with Christmas Lights
Source: DIY Snow Globes Using Christmas ...
You can buy fairy lights powered by battery that will make this an easy craft. Such a lovely display for the holidays.
5. Photo Snow Globe
Source: How to Make Your Own ...
A fun and interesting way to display photos.
6. DIY LEGO Snow Globe
Source: Last Minute DIY Holiday Ornaments
See! You really can use anything as your DIY snow globe centerpiece.
7. DIY Mini Snow Globes
Source: whattoexpect.com
The size of the jar is completely up to you.
8. Snow Globe Ornament
Source: plusoneblog.com
A perfect addition to your tree baubles collection.
9. Silver & Gold Snow Globe
Source: Rust & Sunshine: 12 Days ...
You'll be delighted by the effect when you shake it.
10. Etched Snow Globe
Source: Christmas DIY Craft Project: How ...
Here the snow is on the glass not in it.
11. Winter Scene
Source: Make a Magical Christmas Scene ...
If you don't want a traditional snow globe but want to create the look, this will make a great centerpiece.
12. Mini Snow Globe Ornament
Source: DIY: mini snow globe ornament
You'll have to source old style bulb ornaments to produce these.
13. Snow Globe Soap Dispensers
Source: Dollar Store Mason Jar Snow ...
Snow globes get practical.
14. Snow Globe Christmas Cards
Source: DIY - Snow Globe Postcards ...
Not all snow globes are jars.
15. Pom Pom Snow Globe
Source: Christmas Month: Pom Pom Snow ...
If you don't want to mess around with glass jars, glitter and water, get the kids making these.
16. Video Tutorial
Source: Good Ideas For You | ...
I've included a link to a video for those who prefer to be shown how to make a snow globe.
17. Fall Snow Globe
Source: Show-and-Share Saturday Link Up! - ...
A snow globe isn't just for Christmas.
18. Glow in the Dark Snow Globe
Source: DIY Glowing Snow Globe: Quick ...
Normal by daytime, glowing at night.
19. Dollar Store Snow Globe Ornament
Source: DIY Snow Globe Ornaments - ...
Raid the dollar store for all sorts of things to make your snow globe ornaments.
20. DIY Snow Globe Necklace
Source: HAPPY Holidays: DIY Snow Globe ...
Want to wear your snow globe? Go ahead and make this.
21. Waterless Snow Globes
Source: How to make a snow ...
Effective even without the water/snow.
22. Salt Shaker Snow Globes
Source: Craft Ideas for Christmas Decorating
You can pick up salt shakers for $1 or less. No water for these DIY snow globes though.
23. DIY Snow Globe Aquarium
Source: Creativity 521 #36 - DIY ...
Use your imagination to create your own display for all year round.
24. Snow Globe Magnets
Source: Snow Problem | A Girl ...
Made from magnetic spice tins from Ikea.
25. Snow Globe Snowman
Source: Snow Globe Snowman Craft For ...
One for the kids.
26. Light Bulb Snow Globe
Source: Upcycle This! 15 Ways to ...
What a great way to recycle light bulbs.
27. DIY Gift Card Snow Globes
Source: DIY Gift Card Snow Globes
What a creative way to present gift cards.
28. DIY Artificial Snow
Source: How to Make Artificial Snow ...
If you're going to make your own snow globes, it helps if you know how to make artificial snow.
29. Snow Globe Halloween Costume
Source: Snow globe
Lost for an idea? Here's something unusual.
30. Snow Globe Shadow Box
Source: Spool and Spoon: Snow Globe ...
Another way to make a holiday display.
31. Snow Globe Ring
Source: craftgawker
A ring just for Christmas!
You can let your creative juices flow to come up with your own ideas for DIY snow globes. I've got a vintage Victorian village set of Christmas decorations that I might just use to make a snow globe tableau. What about you. Will you be making your own snow globe?
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