It's almost sweater season and this means acquiring new ones from the store. Which also basically means that you will be left with old sweaters that you no longer want to wear. Do not delegate them to the drawer where discarded clothing go just yet. You might still have some uses for them if you get your crafty gears going. Here are some wonderful ideas:
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1. Pillows
Do you have a hard time letting go of your old favorite sweater because it represents all things cozy? Don't worry, you can still experience its softness by turning it into a pillow. This is a simply sewing project that you can do in half an hour or less. You can choose to use the front and back of your sweater or just one side paired with another piece of fabric.
2. Beanie
This cute beanie looks store-bought but it's actually a clever clothing upcycle. A good part of the sweater to use for this project is the hem. Said hem will actually be serve as the opening of the new beanie. You simply sew two sides together, following an old beanie as pattern. Add pom-pom if you like.
3. Tree Ornament
Christmas means lower temperatures. Which means that it is possible for your tree ornaments to get cold while they try to stay pretty for your holiday home look. Try a little kindness by whipping up these sweater upcycling idea. Glue twine to one end of a plastic ball, wrap the ball with an old sweater, and then secure with more twine. Easy and cute!
4. Wreath
If your tree ornaments can get cold, what makes you think that the door wreath is immune to the freezing temperatures? Yeah, they're not. Thankfully, you can recycle your old sweater to wrap your wreath in. I love the look of white and the snowflakes together. You can make yours in other fun colors, too.
5. Lamp Shade
Here is a fun and easy way to change the look of any room in your house for the season. Take out an old sweater and then cut the bodice to fit the shade. Make sure that you leave an inch of allowance to the top and bottom. Sew elastic to the top and bottom to fold in and fit around the shade.
6. Headband
Here is another old sweater upcycling idea that will give you a fun accessory for the colder season. Take your old sweater and cut strips from the material. You will need four strands sewn into tubes. Iron them flat and then braid into a headband. Secure by sewing the ends together. You can play around with the bulk by using thinner or a fewer number of strands.
7. Stockings
These are the cutest! I love the look of fluffy sweater and the leather hoops together. These cute stockings were sewn with lining but you can make yours without it. You simply cut and sew the stocking shape or pattern. You then fold the opening towards the interior and sew. Add the leather bits for hanging. Take note that if you're planning on stuffing the stockings with relatively heavy gifts, you will not want to skip the lining part.
I hope you find inspiration from this list and whip up a fun recycling project. Enjoy!
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