18 Clever Ideas for Using Picture Frames That Don't Involve Pictures ...

By Lyndsie2 Comments

18 Clever Ideas for Using Picture Frames That Don't Involve Pictures ...

Picture frames are wonderful pieces of decor, but you don't have to reserve them solely for photos. Because frames are easy to come across and often cheap, especially in antique stores and thrift shops, you can buy them for cheap and turn them into something else over the course of a weekend. A little paint and a creative mindset can lead to some lovely accents throughout your home.

1 Okay, so This One's a Lie

Okay, so This One's a LieAt least I'm getting started with the lie, right? However, to be fair, you could also do this simple, shabby-chic favorite with postcards or pieces of art.

Frequently asked questions

2 Display Interesting Pieces

This is pretty, but it makes me a little sad. Still, you can DIY the yarn frame, too!

3 Get Subway-inspired

This is a lovely splash of color!

4 Color-block Your Walls with Inspiring Messages

Fully customizable, of course.

5 Store (and Show off) Your Makeup

Cute, right? But practical, too.

6 Make a Chalkboard

7 Or a Dry Erase Board

8 DIY a Pretty Pin Cushion

This is adorable – plus, you never know when you need a pin or a needle or something.

9 Frame a Calendar

I can't think of a better way to stay organized, to be honest.

10 Make Your Own Mood Board

So, this kind of includes photos, but whatever, we've already established I'm willing to tell fibs and include photo frames that display actual photos.

11 Decorate with Silhouettes

This is so vintage-inspired that it's practically Victorian.

12 Show off Important Milestones

You could create something like this for an engagement, a marriage, a new house, a baby, a puppy ... you get the idea!

13 Display Darling Décor

Chicken wire is a miraculous thing.

14 Get Seasonal

This is actually really pretty.

15 Design an Adorable DIY Tray

The best part about this idea is how easily you can customize it. For example, you can make an accent tray like this, or you could make a serving tray out of a larger frame.

16 Frame Some Silverware

This is a great idea if you have a lot of odd pieces that don't match anything else. It's so quirky-cute!

17 Or Your Favorite Collections

Cameras, handbags, pieces of jewelry ... endless options!

18 Make a Table

Yep, an entire table, all on your own.

How are you going to display your picture frames!

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