RachhLoves goes the extra mile for uniqueness in this review of her YouTube video. She gives 3 unique present presentations. I would definitely create 2 out of the 3. Watch and listen as the pretty and amusing lady explains...
Published on Dec 6, 2016

Out of the 3, I liked the "read me when box" and the "tea wreath"!
1. Read Me when Box
You can get greeting cards or pretty stationery at the dollar store, along with big manila envelopes if you cannot find a nice box. Just create a card or letter however you like for the recipient to read for when they are upset, having their birthday, bored, etc. throughout the year. Decorate the box or envelope. An extremely thoughtful gift that says you care..
2. Tea Wreath
An easier route for this is buying a wire wreath circle, wrap Christmas tree garland around it, attach a bow, then clothespin single tea bags around. Maybe use cinnamon or apple tea and green or mint tea to color coordinate for Christmas? Be creative! Maybe use packets of hot chocolate or packets of hot apple juice? All may be bought at the dollar store.
These are my favorites of her's... What are your favorites?
Merry Christmas and thank you for watching!