7 Positively Fantastic Ping Pong Ball Crafts ...

By Meream

Ping pong ball crafts come in forms that range from cute to goshdarn cute. They can be used for home décor and toys. They are particularly fantastic for making holiday projects. We have here ping pong ball crafts that you can make for and with your kids. Some are also quite lovely for adding romantic ambiance to any room in your house.

1 Polka Dot Lights

Polka Dot Lights This ping pong ball craft project is so pretty! You will be needing Sharpies in different colors, fairy lights, and a craft knife for this fun DIY idea. The first thing that you do is poke a hole through one side of a ping pong ball using the craft knife. You then draw teeny dots all over the ball using a colored Sharpie. Repeat on the other balls until you have enough to cover all bulbs of your fairy lights.

Source: hearthandmade.co.uk

2 Googly Eyes Wreath

Googly Eyes Wreath This looks like something that little boys would appreciate. This wreath is made of ping pong balls, googly eyes, hot glue, and a wreath form. You simply hot glue the ping pong balls to cover the wreath form. Once you're happy with the “fullness,” you then glue the googly eyes to the balls. Easy and fun.

Source: number-2-pencil.com

3 Ping Pong Monsters

Ping Pong Monsters These little critters are insanely cute. You will need paint, googly eyes, hot glue, and pipe cleaners to make your own set of monsters. The first thing that you need to do is paint the ping pong balls. After you let them dry, you hot glue the googly eyes. Since you're making monsters, you can glue more than two eyes. One is acceptable, too. The pipe cleaners are for the legs, arms, and other appendages you might want to add.

Source: kidsactivitiesblog.com

4 Ghost Lights

Ghost Lights This is a ping pong ball craft project that I cannot wait to do for Halloween this year. If you're thinking of making this, too, you will be needing Christmas lights, mod podge, permanent marker, and cheesecloth. Make sure that the cheesecloth is the loosely woven type.

Source: unoriginalmom.com

5 Halloween Tea Lights

Halloween Tea Lights Unlike the ghost lights, these Halloween lights are not for hanging. Kids will enjoy doing this ping pong ball craft project. They can be in charge of drawing on the balls. For a non-Halloween lighting idea, you can draw flowers or simple geometric patterns on the balls.

Source: chasingthefirefly.wordpress.com


Ping pong balls are a great craft material for kids and adults alike. They are lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to work with, making them perfect for Halloween decorations. These Halloween tea lights are a great way to get creative with ping pong balls. Kids can draw spooky designs on the balls, such as ghosts, bats, and pumpkins. Or, for a more subtle look, you can draw flowers or simple geometric patterns. The tea lights can be used in windows, on tables, or as part of a larger Halloween display. With a few simple supplies, you can create a unique and festive look for your home this Halloween.

6 Sugar Skull Dolls

Sugar Skull Dolls Look at this cute little miss. Isn't she adorable? The ball used here is made of Styrofoam. A ping pong ball can easily replace it, however. For the rest of the doll, you will be needing cardboard, pretty paper, felt, and tissue paper.

Source: zingzingtree.com

7 Marquee Letter

Marquee Letter This is a fun retro-themed DIY that you can do for a movie night. The letter used here is a 3D paper type. You remove one side, spray paint it gold, and then glue the ping pong balls. If you want the balls to light up like a real marquee letter, you can poke holes through the letter and the balls and add fairy lights.

Source: daisymaebelle.com

Who knew sports and crafting can be enjoyed at the same time, right? The next time you're at the sporting goods section, grab a few packs of ping pong balls. Use some for a game or two and the rest for these fun ping pong ball craft projects.

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