It still quite amazing that with the data explosion introduced by the Internet and 24-hour news feed TV channels that traditional newspapers are still around to consume vast resources from the world’s tree populations. Admittedly, news printers do use a good amount of recycled paper pulp but it’s not enough. If you’ve been bitten by the recycling bug and you enjoy crafts one really great way to do your bit for the environment and to have some fun at the same time is knowing how to make your own paper from old newspapers.
Firstly gather your ingredients:
• Wire coat hangers
• Old pair of pantyhose
• Electric iron
• Food processor or blender
• Newspaper torn into 2” squares
• White glue
• Water
• Food coloring
• Large tub or bowl or sink
Find somewhere you don’t mind making a mess and you’re ready to go.
13. With the Iron on It’s Hottest Setting Smooth out the Paper
This is not a specific method and your first few goes will definitely be trial and error but it’s easy to get the hang of and you’ll soon be turning out beautiful sheets of hand made paper.
Once you’re a paper maker extraordinaire you can start experimenting.
• Any other paper can be used instead of newsprint but steer clear of glossy magazines as this just doesn’t give good results.
• For large sheets use an insect screen (as long as you’ve got a receptacle large enough for the water bath)
• Try natural dyes such as red onion skins and leaves instead of food coloring
• Add lots of food coloring for more vibrant colors
• Add textures. Before all the water is fully drained after straining, press items into the paper such natural items such as flower heads, petals, seeds or leaves. Try skeleton leave for a great effect. You’ll end up with beautiful works of art you can use for cards or gift wrap and other crafts.
Basically, just have fun and let those creative juices flow and feel good about your valuable contribution to ecological issues.