If you want your family to stand out this year, you should use the following photo ideas for holiday cards. Don't be boring and send out impersonal cards that you picked up at the store without even really looking at them. Create your own cards with a family picture so that everyone can see just how beautiful your genes are. Here are some of the best photo ideas for holiday cards that you should steal:
Snapshot Survey
Snapshot Survey
1. Break out the Chalk
Most holiday pictures are taken in front of a fireplace or next to the tree. If you aren't in the mood to decorate your house just yet, then you can draw a background. Find an area with a lot of pavement, draw some festive pictures, and take your photo in front of them. It's one of the most creative photo ideas for holiday cards that is super simple to create. So go grab your family and use your artistic skills.
2. Include Your Pets
The pets are part of the family, too. Don't leave out your puppy or kitty this year, because your friends will want to see your furry friends more than they want to see you, anyway. Just don't get mad at your pets if they don't want to sit still long enough to look good in their picture. Let them do as they please.
3. Pick a Theme
Creating a theme for your picture is a great idea. That way, your outfits will all go together, but you don't have to be stuck in the same matching Christmas sweaters. Pick one of your favorite holiday movies to recreate in your photo. It'll be just like Halloween all over again.
4. Snap It in Action
Some holiday photos come out badly, because it's clear that everyone is faking a smile. That's why you should wait until the whole family is having a blast together to snap a picture. If you see all of your brothers and sisters having a grand time out in the snow, then you should take advantage of the opportunity and get your photo.
5. Use Your Humor
You don't have to send out serious holiday cards. Give your family a laugh by creating a card they won't dare to throw out. If you've been nice, you can climb up on Santa's lap, but if you've been naughty, you can create your very own police line up. If your family members all own stripes, then you already have your outfits ready!
6. Wrap It up
If you celebrate Christmas, it's always nice to have a Santa around during picture time. Of course, he's not always perfect, so he might end up tying your family up. This is a fun picture that'll make your family closer than ever--emotionally and physically.
7. Add Something Strange
If you're too silly to create a traditional looking picture, you can add something odd into the mix. Don't be afraid to don your Santa hats and hold presents, because as long as you have something out of the ordinary in your picture, everyone will remember it. You'll definitely stand out.
Don't be boring. Get up and create a fun holiday card that all of your family and friends will enjoy! Do you send out holiday cards? What was the best one you've ever received?
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