7 Ways to Use Vick's Vapor Rub ...

Neecey Feb 14, 2021

7 Ways to Use Vick's Vapor Rub ...
7 Ways to Use Vick's Vapor Rub ...

Having grown up with it being rubbed on my chest when I had a cold, I’m so glad we’ve found other ways to use Vick’s Vapor Rub. Sure Vicks is a an age-old mentholated preparation that is for the relief of head, throat, nose and chest stuffiness but it has other powers too. How many of these ways to use Vick’s Vapor Rub do you know?

1. As a Cough Remedy

One of the weirdest ways to use Vicks Vapor Rub is as a cough remedy. That might not sound so weird in itself as it has decongestive properties, but it’s because you use it on your feet! Apply it generously over your feet and cover them nicely with warm socks. The cough will subside and you will sleep in peace. Please let me know if you try this and it works!

2. Use Vicks Vapor Rub and Say Goodbye to Nail Fungus

It may take some time, but results are quite impressive. However, the nail will turn dark in a few days, implying that the ointment is certainly working and killing the fungus. You may have to apply the ointment for a few weeks to ensure you have fully cleansed nail beds. Similarly, you can put Vick's healing properties to use when you have paper cuts. The ointment will prevent infection and trigger healing.

3. To Relieve Headaches

Imagine, you've already taken a painkiller, but your headache persists. A dab of Vicks Vapor Rub on your forehead may resolve the issue. If your little angel has a sore head, rub Vicks on his/her nose and forehead to cure it.

4. Change Your Cat's Behavior

Cats love to scratch, but it can be extremely annoying when they use their claws to ruin your walls, doors, windows, and even couches. Simply apply a small amount of Vicks, the magic ointment you think is only used to cure common cold, to all those 'targeted areas' to keep Miss Kitty away. The smell of Vick's Vapor Rub is never on a cat's favorite list. You can even protect yourself from those scratches just by applying a little amount of Vicks on your legs.

5. Give Sore Muscles Some Relief

One interesting way to use Vick's Vapor Rub is to treat it like a cream or lotion a masseur uses at the spa. It provides instant relief to aching, sore muscles because it increases blood circulation. Watch out for the stench though, especially if you're sharing your bed.

6. Take Advantage of Aromatherapy

You can use Vick's Vapor Rub in vaporizers or humidifiers. Some humidifiers come with an aromatherapy compartment. You can use Vicks there and the humidifier will circulate the 'aroma' everywhere in your room, making it easier for you to when you’re feeling stuffy or bunged up.

7. Keep Mosquitoes at Bay

A small dab of Vicks will work wonders to ward off mosquitoes. You can apply it to your clothes or skin directly. If you get bitten by mosquitoes or even by a tick, applying Vicks to that area will help as well. It is one of the simplest yet effective ways to use Vick's Vapor Rub at home. So, use it wisely to keep bugs from 'bugging' you!

Please share other ways to use Vick’s Vapor Rub you know of.

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

The feet thing works. And your feet are all tingly and warm

I have been using Vicks vapour on my toes which has been discoloured for years due to fungus and it is nearly cured roll on summer! For first time be able to wear sandals oh yes!

I tried the putting it on your feet thing just last week. Everyone thought I was mad but it seemed to help me sleep and cough less! Makes your feet tingle!

Yeah the feet works. A remy my great aunt use on me as a little girl n also put it on my neck n wrap a towel around my neck for a night when sick

I grew up using Vicks and works for me.

I tried it on my feet to stop my cough and sadly it didn't work for me

My friend said she added a bit to warm water. It reduces period pain. Well.. Don't dare to try

I use it inside nostrils when I have s cold

If ur study and sinuses r bothering Vicks opens ur nasal passages it's a huge relief and Vicks is inexpensive at any drug store

I have used it on my nails at night, on the nails clean to take care of the split nails. It adds moisture to the nail. It works!

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