7 Tips on How to Make Your Dream Board ...

Corina Feb 25, 2014

If you want to focus on accomplishing your goals and fulfilling all your dreams, then you should definitely learn how to make your dream board. Even though making a dream board can seem a bit childish, I must tell you that it’s actually quite efficient, because it will help you stay focused on your goals and it will help you find the strength you need to carry on and pursue all your dreams. Just look at it every time you feel a little bit down and I’m sure you’ll feel better in no time and you will continue to work hard in order to accomplish all your goals, no matter how impossible they might seem sometimes. Here are a few very useful tips on how to make your dream board that you should consider if you want to learn how to create the perfect vision board that will help you turn your dreams into reality:

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1. Gather Materials

The first step you should take if you want to learn how to make your dream board is to gather the materials you need. You could use different images from magazines or from different websites on the Internet, but make sure you cover all the topics you are interested in. Those images you choose for your vision board should remind you of your dreams, they should help you stay focused and they should motivate you to work in order to accomplish them.

2. Find a Picture of You That You like

Next, try to find a favorite picture of you that you should glue just in the middle of your dream board. Make sure you choose a picture of you where you smile or where you feel good, something that will remind you of a happy time in your life. This will help you feel better when you look at your dream board, since it will remind you to have a positive attitude, because this way, you will be able to overcome all the obstacles that might appear in your path.

3. Cut out Images

Once you’ve gathered all the materials you need to make the perfect dream board, you should go through every magazine and every photo you’ve printed from the Internet and cut out all the pictures that appeal to you. Find bright and colorful images that will remind you of your interests and passions and which will help you stay motivated. You could include pictures of pretty houses, nice cars, places you’d like to visit or any other thing you would like to achieve.

4. Find a Board

The next thing you should do in order to create the perfect vision board is to find a board that you think is the right size and where you can glue all the things you dream about. You could use a magnet board, a poster paper or even a white painting canvas that is pre-strung on a timber frame. They aren’t so expensive and you can also find them at reasonable prices online.

5. Glue Those Pictures onto the Board

Once you’ve purchased the board and you’ve cut out all the pictures you want to use, simply glue them onto your dream board. Be creative and arrange those images however you want. You can even leave some white spaces between them if you love it more this way. It’s your choice, you’re the one who should be satisfied with it, so do whatever you want and create this beautiful collage by your own rules!

6. Make It a Celebration

Who says you shouldn’t have fun while making your dream board? Make it a celebration, have a glass of wine, a cocktail, invite a few friends over and have a little party for that occasion. It’s actually a fun experience, so why not take advantage of it? Keep it very colorful and don’t limit yourself only to pictures. You can write in glitter something that inspires you and that will remind you to stay on track in order to reach your goals.

7. Find the Best Place for Your Dream Board

Once you’ve finished creating it, you should try to find the best place for your dream board. You could place it next to your bed, so it can be the last thing you see at night when you go to sleep and the first thing you see in the morning when you get up. You can also put it somewhere you will enjoy looking at it, like in your kitchen or in your office; somewhere you will see it for at least 30 minutes every day.

By making a vision board, you will stay focused on your objectives and you will work hard to achieve all your dreams. Do you have a dream board? How did you do it? Do you have any other tips for making a dream board that you could share with us? Do tell!

Sources: wikihow.com, marycrimmins.com

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I need one one aswell xxx

What if you don't know what your dream is?

Love this!

Yeah girls..! I seriously need one!

I need one, for sure!! :-)

#Irina is right I need one like her

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