Looking for a simple DIY gift idea? Ever want to give a token of appreciation in a short and sweet way? This tutorial shows what to do. All supplies may be found at Dollar Tree. What could be better than that? Spend maybe $5.00 at the most. Affordable for everybody!
Let's watch for a simple DIY gift idea.
November 4, 2016
In review, you need:
Although she says to use a red cup, feel free to buy whichever cup you want.
Use clear or tinted cellophane or small cellophane bags.
Small chocolates, hard candy, mix and match, etc.
Color of your choice, pattern of your choice...be creative.
A $1.00 curly ribbon is usable for a few cups. Used for accent.
Follow the tutorial for simple and very easy instructions. Personally, I have learned from this tutorial about her easier way to make a bow!
This can be presented any time of year, not solely Christmas.
Something for your kid's teacher, the mail lady, the babysitter, the neighbor, the newspaper carrier, your mother/father, your bff, just to name a few. Again, a simple token of appreciation.
Although the video could have gone along a little faster, I give it a thumbs-up.