9 Incredibly Cool Toys You Can Make Using Cardboard ...


9 Incredibly Cool Toys You Can Make Using Cardboard ...
9 Incredibly Cool Toys You Can Make Using Cardboard ...

Did you know that there is a huge number of toys you can make using cardboard? Sure there are a gazillion toys in stores made of plastic, textile, wood, or a combination of the three, and there might not be a reason for you to make some using cardboard. However, doing so is a wonderful exercise in craftiness and resourcefulness - two things that kids should know about. Let's check out some of the toys you can make using cardboard below:

1. Twirly Toy

Twirly Toy Using cardboard scraps, string, plastic items with two holes, scissors, glue, and wool needle, you can make a toy using cardboard in on time. If you think the cardboard is too plain, let your little ones decorate theirs using crayons or markers.

Tutorial Source: handmadecharlotte.com

2. Parking Structure

Parking Structure How adorable! You have probably purchased a few items that came in a nifty box that folds out like this parking structure. Cut out a few parts of cardboard to add to this box, draw a few details, and add some cars and your parking station is ready.

Tutorial Source: lafactoriaplastica.com

3. Cabin

Cabin Is this the cutest cardboard cabin or what? This one is incredibly easy to make, too. You will need a huge cardboard box. The top part that opens will serve as doors. Cut out parts for the windows. Add more cardboard sections for the chimney and smoke. Using acrylic paint, draw cutesy motifs on the cabin.

Tutorial Source: ukkonooa.blogspot.co.uk

4. Long-Reach Gizmo

Long-Reach Gizmo This is a fun cardboard toy that you can make using brads, a pair of scissors, and some paint. For painting the details of this toy, your kids will be of great help. The body can easily be assembled by cutting cardboard strips.

Tutorial Source: blog.giddygiddy.com

5. Ships

Ships How cute! Things used for transportation are some of the toys you can make using cardboard. The great thing about making ships is that your kids can decorate them any way they want. They can choose figureheads, tails, the colors of the sails, and many other fun details.

Tutorial Source: ikatbag.com

6. Castle

Castle Making a castle is one of the more popular ways to turn cardboard into playthings. Using a simple draw and cut maneuver, you can make an adorable cardboard castle for your kids' toys in half an hour or so. If you're feeling extra crafty, draw or paint some details, such as bricks, windows, flags, etc.

Tutorial Source: timeoftheaquarius.com

7. Spaceship

Spaceship If your kids love all things space-related, they will find this cardboard spaceship project delightful. The main body of this toy is made of a paper towel roll. If you can find cardboard that is pliant enough to be shaped into a cylinder, that will work as well.

Tutorial Source: bhoomplay.wordpress.com

8. Washi Tape Castle

Washi Tape Castle This cardboard toy is similar in concept to the cabin design, but instead of paint, you will be using washi tape to decorate the cardboard playhouse. Tape can also be used to attach two cardboard boxes together for a much bigger castle.

Tutorial Source: builtbykids.com

9. Washing Machine

Washing Machine If your kid is interested in your chores, one way to make him or her feel included in your activities is to make cardboard appliances. This cute washing machine is one example. You can make this by simply cutting out the front load opening, gluing on clear plastic, and then drawing the knobs and buttons. Easy and fun!

Tutorial Source: estefimachado.com.br

I bet you can think of other fun toys to make using cardboard. Care to share your designs with us? We'd love to make toys using your ideas, too.

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A car

We just moved...I have a million boxes...and now I know what to do with them haha! Awesome post Thanks!

Love this it gave me so much more ideas

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