7 Hip Hobbies for Travelers ...


7 Hip Hobbies for Travelers ...
7 Hip Hobbies for Travelers ...

You could fill all the time you aren’t traveling dreaming about your next destination or reading about your next trip, or you could enjoy some hobbies for travelers. Hobbies for travelers not only keep your eyes on the prize, but also motivate you to keep a semi-permanently packed bag in your closet. They enrich your new travel experiences and help you create lasting and special memories from previous trips, and some you can even follow when traveling. They educate and edify and encourage you to keep on getting out into our amazing world. See if any of these hobbies for travelers appeal to you and would assuage your wanderlust between trips.

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1. Travel Writing

Travel Writing Probably one of the most popular hobbies for travelers, travel writing doesn’t only result in a great memento of your travels, but it might also enable you to earn some cash on the go. If you have an audience and some knowledge about making your written words work for you, travel blogs can elicit pay; or you can submit your content to certain travel publications. However, money aside, writing about your travels serves as a mental record of what otherwise might be too much of a whirlwind to later recollect. Without a permanent lens, a look back on your travels without any written account of them might be like opening your eyes underwater. Making note of travel experiences as they’re happening is a brilliant hobby for any nomad to have.

2. Photography

Photography Another popular hobby for travelers is, of course, photography. Ranging from those true photographers who boast expensive professional gear, as well as a deep knowledge about composition and photographic technique to those who simply like to take pretty pictures with a cheap point-and-shoot Canon, photography is another fabulous traveling hobby. Like writing, it creates a permanent and very visual record of the places you’ve gone, the people you’ve met and the things you’ve seen. When returning to “real-life,” looking back at these vividly colored travel memories will also be a catalyst in your desire to pick up and go yet again.

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3. Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking Many novice travelers (and come to think of it, seasoned travelers too) like to document every last detail of their travel, as these physical mementos may be the last scraps of their traveling endeavors. These types of travelers like to create their scrapbooks upon returning home, along with photos and a narrative of their journey, so that they might look back upon the days on-the-move that have fallen away or stopped moving. However, travel-pros hang on to scraps as well; though this writer has been traveling ceaselessly for years and has no plans to stop, I often find that I cannot let go of ticket stubs and museum brochures, in spite of the fact that I’ve really no intention of creating a scrapbook. Instead, they’re often used more practically as book markers.

4. Shopping

Shopping As one of the most universal hobbies for travelers, shopping can be an art form. Every traveler likes to get their shop on – from the upscale malls and high-tech destinations of Michigan Avenue in Chicago to the kitschy shops and market stalls of the Grand Market in Istanbul, no traveler wants to head home empty-handed. Whether you’re keen on buying souvenirs for the family and friends left behind or you’re looking for high-end goods to cherish yourself, this hobby can steal a large chunk of your travel budget, so be weary of over-exerting yourself.

5. Postcarding

Postcarding Another of the more popular hobbies for travelers is finding and sending postcards home, either as a sincere form of exuberant communication, or as a “LOOK WHERE I AM!” boast to really put the knife in and twist the envy of those who couldn’t make the trip. If you’re going for the first, you might want to look for a historical or cultural card that will share some of the deeper experiences of your travels. If you’re going for the latter, find the most exasperatingly beautiful and colorful postcard that boasts the stunning scenery which currently surrounds you. That’ll be sure to draw blood.

6. Music

Music “99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer. Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall...” Not just for road trips, singing, dancing and everything musical are all fabulous hobbies for travelers as, no matter where in the world you travel, the culture will love – and I mean LOVE – to sing and dance. Whether at the KTVs of Shanghai or the folksy festivals of Buenos Aires, musical hobbies will allow you to envelope yourself in an incredible cultural experience in an all-encompassing and involved way.

7. Collecting

Collecting A great hobby for travelers is to establish a source of collectibles which, amassed over a lifetime, will create an epic and impressive collection unique to your own journey. One friend of mine collects decks of cards from his world travels, while another collects corks from all the wine she’s drank across the globe. I have a collection of dolphins from all around the world. They’re made from every material imaginable and fill a large cabinet these days, and I still take great pleasure in remembering the buying experience for every one. Whatever you choose to collect, you’ll have a medley of memories in the form of these creatively cultural collectibles by journey’s end.

I know you can consider travel a hobby in itself but there are hobbies that are very complementary that you can do alongside and during your travels. Do you do any of these or have you any suggestions for more hobbies for travelers?

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