7 Easy Ways to Decorate Your Student Room ...

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7 Easy Ways to Decorate Your Student Room ...

There are more interesting ways to decorate your student room than simply putting up some posters. Perhaps you'd like a more sophisticated look for your space, or you want to be creative and original. Fortunately you can achieve a lot even on a student budget. Try these creative and colorful ways to decorate your student room …

1 Paint a Canvas

Paint a CanvasOne of the easiest ways to decorate your student room is to paint a canvas. A large canvas is relatively cheap, and you don't have to spend a lot on paints. What's more, you don't have to be artistically talented to paint a canvas. Take inspiration from the work of Mark Rothko and go for an abstract painting. Or try creating a collage by mixing paints and print. Whatever you do, you'll have a unique artwork to decorate your room.

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2 Thrift Store Bargains

Thrift stores and garage sales are great places to pick up all kinds of unique objects for your room. Go without a fixed idea of what you want, maybe with just a general theme in mind. That way, you'll be inspired by what you find. Pick up odd objects and you'll create an individual look for your room; it won't look like it's been done by an interior designer, but that's the idea.

3 Fairy Lights

Fairy lights are quite cheap and lend a pretty look to your room. They're great for creating a relaxed atmosphere for when you've finished your work for the day. This kind of lighting is also great for parties (just remember not to annoy your neighbors with loud music!).

4 Perfect Pictures

If you're lucky, your student room will be a good size. This means that you have plenty of wall space to cover. The student staple of posters is a bit dull, and they soon peel. Try putting up pictures instead. You can use prints and photos picked up cheaply at garage sales, or make a group of pictures from magazines. If your landlord's OK with it, you could paint one wall a bold color as a backdrop.

5 Fabulous Fabric

Do you have a market or fabric shop nearby? Look out for bargain remnants and end of rolls to cover a wall - this gives you a really different look and is easy to remove. You can fix them to the wall with a staple gun. When you move house, you can take down the fabric and rehang it in your new home. If you fancy a change, it'll only take a couple of minutes (much quicker than painting).

6 Bed

You're bound to spend a lot of time on your bed working, reading or chatting. Make your bed a comfortable and relaxing space in your student room. A fur or velvet throw needn't cost much, and looks luxurious. Also pile your bed with lots of cushions for lounging on.

7 Paper Art

A canvas isn't the only way to get creative. Try paper art as a unique way of decorating your room. You can use magazines, or even old books, to create unusual artwork to hang up. There is also a huge variety of colored and patterned papers in craft stores that can be used. Google 'paper art projects' for ideas and inspiration.

Try out some of these ideas, and transform your boring dorm room into an exciting space. There are an infinite variety of ways to make your space look appealing by letting loose your creative side. What did you do to cheer up your student room?

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