7 Beautiful Items of Lingerie You Can Sew Yourself ...

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Did you know that there fantastic free tutorials on sewing your very own lingerie? If you are particular about the material or cut of your underwear, you will love these DIY lingerie projects. We have several on panties and brassieres. We also have here a fantastic sewing guide on making your very own pair of lacy underthings. They are perfect projects both for beginners and advanced sewing enthusiasts.

1 Cage Bralette

Cage Bralette This is a fun DIY lingerie that you can sew and wear under a flirty backless dress. The fabric for this particular project came from a pair of dance pants. Of course, any black stretchy fabric will work as well. For the cage parts, lots of elastic will be needed.

Source: elleandish.com


This Cage Bralette is a great DIY lingerie project for anyone looking to add a bit of spice to their wardrobe. Not only is it an easy project to sew, but it can also be worn under a flirty backless dress. The fabric used for this particular project came from a pair of dance pants, but any black stretchy fabric can be used as well. Additionally, lots of elastic is needed to make the cage parts.

This Cage Bralette is a great way to add a bit of sex appeal to any outfit. It can be worn under a dress, blouse, or even a tank top. It adds a hint of mystery and allure, and can be worn with any type of clothing. Additionally, it can be a great way to make a statement and show off your unique style.

The Cage Bralette is a great project for anyone who has basic sewing skills. It doesn’t require any special tools or materials, and the project can be completed in a few hours. Additionally, the project is relatively inexpensive and can be completed with materials found around the house.

2 Lacy Bralette

Lacy Bralette How pretty! This one promises to be easy to construct. The pattern is basically comprised of triangular shapes sewn together to form the front. They are then attached together to form a bralette using elastic. Apart from the lace and elastic, you will need bra clasps to finish this project. For those who don't like the look of the semi-transparent lace, adding stretchy lining will work.

Source: project-twentytwo.blogspot.ca

3 Lace Trimmed Bralette

Lace Trimmed Bralette This DIY sewing project is actually only a lingerie makeover. If you have a pair of cotton brassieres, simply attach pretty lace to the hem and you got yourself a new-ish lingerie. The trick to attaching lace to the elastic hem is to use zigzag stitch. This way, the hem will stretch appropriately when the brassieres are worn.

Source: swellmayde.com

4 Harness Bra

Harness Bra Oh, this is quite sexy. Just like the previous DIY lingerie project, we have here a fun brassiere makeover. Basically, you will be adding elastic along the center portion, with more elastic connecting to the straps. To make the top center harness effect, you will need a metal ring. Something that is around 8mm in diameter should be enough.

Source: thisfashionismine.com

5 Macramé Back

Macramé Back Now THIS is elegantly Bohemian! This is another lingerie makeover. You will need an old pair of black sports bra for this project. Using strips of stretchy fabric, construct the macrame back. Any type of string will work as well if you don't have stretchy fabric. It is recommended that the color of the strings be the same as your sports bra.

Source: trashtocouture.com

6 Fancy Slip

Fancy Slip Isn't this sweet and lovely? This peach and black number is quite pretty but I think it will look equally beautiful in dark colors. The straps for this slip are ready-made. You can get them from sewing supply stores. The lace that you attach to the straps have to be the stretch type. The fabric for the bodice and skirt has to have lots of stretch as well.

Source: howdidyoumakethis.com

7 Lace Shorts

Lace Shorts This pair is quite darling. If you have been looking for a fun project that will show you how to work with lace applique, this DIY lingerie should be perfect. Apart from the charming lace applique, the beautiful hem of these shorts are quite lovely. Make sure that you choose lace for the them that is of the same color as your applique.

Source: coletterie.com

Aren't these divine? The next time you find yourself in the fabric store, pick up some lace and silk and try one or two of the DIY lingerie patterns above.

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